The writer of this book is the American writer and journalist (and singer/songwriter) Alex Shoumatoff, who descends from a distinguished line of Russian nobility, and even further down the ages from a German family. In this books he explores some of the ‘tristes tropiques’, a phrase coined by the philosopher Claude Lévi-Strauss. During he many … Continue reading review AFRICAN MADNESS


According to China Keitetsi Yoweri Museveni was the inventor of child soldiers. When Museveni was fighting in the bush of Uganda he made extensive use of children to fight his war against the sitting powers in order to reach himself the zenith of power in Uganda. Thousands of children took part in the fighting, were … Continue reading review MIT LIV SOM BARNESOLDAT I UGANDA

Turning the ‘Curse of Ham’ into a blessing

What is your origin? Where do we come from and how does this origin define us? One of the books with a story of origin is the bible. Due to poor exegesis the idea emerged that Africans were cursed, due to their ancestor Ham. How do writers with African roots, from different parts of the … Continue reading Turning the ‘Curse of Ham’ into a blessing

Ugandan writer shortlisted for Commonwealth prize

It seems to me that writers from the African continent do love a good short story. Not only to read these stories, but also to write them. It is a good way of getting published, getting feedback, finding your way in the literary world and moving on. Harriet Anena, the writer of short stories and (short … Continue reading Ugandan writer shortlisted for Commonwealth prize